October Rutgers submits its budget request to the state treasurer and the secretary of higher education.
February At an address to a special joint session of the legislature, the governor submits his state budget proposal. (New governors may get an extension to March.)
March The Assembly Budget Committee and the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee hold public hearings.
March/April College and university presidents and the secretary of higher education give budget testimony before the appropriate legislative committees.
April  Rutgers Board of Governors holds an annual public hearing on tuition and fees for the coming year.
May/June Members of the public and the higher education community communicate with legislators on the proposed budget. Legislators submit budget resolutions to increase or to reduce the funding recommended in the governor's proposed budget.
June  The legislature passes the fiscal year budget, which the governor must sign by June 30.  The budget becomes effective July 1.
June/July Rutgers Board of Governors sets tuition and fees, and establishes a working budget for the fiscal year.